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Rosa Parks As Much Malcolm X as Martin Luther King, Jr.

On this Black History day, new book, “The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks,” by Jeanne Theoharis, a Brooklyn College professor shows Rosa Parks as much Malcolm X as she was Martin Luther King Jr.

The book, reviewed by New York Times writer, Charles M. Blow is on my list of books to read this month.

In the book, Rosa Parks states in her own words, “I had felt for a long time, that if I was ever told to get up so a white person could sit, I would refuse to do so.”

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Colored People’s Time

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Four female members of the U.S. Congress had to be mechanically added to the official photo marking the first day of the 113th Congress. If you peruse the photo, it appears that three of the late arrivals are African American. That’s them on the top steps above the others. Don’t numbers one, three and four appear to be sisters? This brings me to the conclusion that Colored People’s Time may have entered into the equation. I’m just sayin’.

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Big Brother is Lurking

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Wake up! Get that coffee or tea and listen to this! I’ve just had my Big Brother wake up call. You will not receive tweets, emails, linkedin’s or facebook posts from me dissing rich, famous people with big, big staffs anymore. Then again…..

I’m referring to the poor high school senior from Kansas, Emma Sullivan, who was spotlighted in the news this week due to her politically conscious attempt to tweet about something grownup instead of Justin Bieber and Breaking Dawn. The child’s tweet was censored by the office of the Governor of Kansas and she was called into the principal’s office for discipline.

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Diving In!

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On different occasions have people mixed you up with someone else? Do they say there’s someone out there who looks just like you? Or someone who talks and acts just like you. When you see the other person, there’s a slight resemblance, but it’s not the you-you know. The other person is not as attractive or is more attractive than you think you are. Their conversation is waaaay more outlandish than you think yours is.

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