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More than I Can Handle?

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I remember reading and committing the Prayer of Jabez to memory when it first came out a few years ago. I prayed it faithfully everyday because, believe me, I wanted my territory to be enlarged. So, I read the next of author, Bruce Wilkinson’s series, “Beyond Jabez”. There was a part in this best-selling book that I preferred not to touch. That was the phrase that instructed us to ask for “somebody to help”. I was scared of that part.

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Are You Writing After the Story Has Been Told?

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I’ve begun the task of preparing my story for publishing. Quite honestly, I’m a little tired of my characters, and I’m no longer interested in returning to their neighborhood. Now I must begin the job of extricating myself from them! That means editing without any conscious or feelings for those guys. We have broken up! I have a new interest and no matter how sexy, bewitching, or dangerous those characters were, it’s over!

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All Hats Off to Mom on Mother’s Day!

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I remember Mother’s Day from wa-a-ay back in the day when all of the women in the church would dress up and then set it off in hats, fur stoles, and high heels. Their looks were mesmerizing and as eye-catching as any Hollywood movie star’s. Easter was for the children, but Mother’s Day was a woman’s day to shine. I remember the famous, frothy, ice cold frappes served at the Mother’s Day Teas and the Fashion Shows put on with clothes supplied by Evans and Fashion Plate clothiers.

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