This Morning I placed the following poster on my FB page.
Since May (last November really), I’ve been involved in some form of church celebrations and/or fundraising projects. It has been one hectic month after the other. Yesterday, my church celebrated its 89th Annual Women’s Day and at the close of that service, I was deliriously happy that it was all done.
Over the last year and a half, I’ve learned quite a few things about people, about managing people, and about choosing the right people. You see, I thought people in the religious community would be different from those in the worldly workplace, but I’ve discovered that the only difference is religious people regularly attend church. That is all.
As I labored to make these celebrations successful, I dreamed of getting back to working on my novels. Aside from stealing a few days during September to post to my blog during the Rave Reviews Book Club Back to School Blog and Block Party, I’ve not focused on writing in any form except that which was to raise money or bring attention to our various church events.
Boy, how I’ve stressed. Plots and outlines have been dancing around in my head, as vast and varied as they were 6 years ago when I asked God to free me from my 9 to 5. I promised Him that if He’d sustain my mind long enough to allow me to get words on paper, I’d do what I feel I’ve been put on earth to do. Write!
I haven’t kept my promise. Life has gotten in the way. Travel, caretaker, fundraiser all seemed more important than establishing and sustaining a full fledged writing career—in spite of the promise.
As I begin anew on the promise, I plan to bear in mind that nobody cares about what I need except me. Others are out to utilize my time and anybody else’s in order to get what they want. I can’t be nice and wait for them to realize that they are stifling me. I must drape my private desires about me like a cape and selfishly pull them tight at my regularly appointed times to keep others’ desires in their place.
I must value and treasure my own time and set aside time which l need to feel contented and fulfilled. Today, I am designing a happy medium which will allow me to work for and with others and still set aside designated time for myself!
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