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Tag Archives African American Baby Boomer Women

Colored People’s Time

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Four female members of the U.S. Congress had to be mechanically added to the official photo marking the first day of the 113th Congress. If you peruse the photo, it appears that three of the late arrivals are African American. That’s them on the top steps above the others. Don’t numbers one, three and four appear to be sisters? This brings me to the conclusion that Colored People’s Time may have entered into the equation. I’m just sayin’.

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The White House Honors Berry Gordy and Motown

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New Years Eve night I had the good fortune to find a rebroadcast of the February, 2011 White House Honors Motown. President Obama, cool as ever, and First Lady Michelle, looking gorgeous in all black, sat down with the Vice President, and the rest of the dignitaries to get their groove on.

Mr. Jamie Foxx, currently of D’Jango, “the D is silent”, fame served as host, and he performed the first musical tribute to the “tempting” Temptations, assisted by Seal, John Legend, and Nick Jonas.

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Today I worked out on the treadmill for the third time this week since I decided to resume the exercise I abandoned in November. I also joined a weight loss organization (for the last time) this fall and as of last week, I’ve lost a total of 16 pounds. Thanksgiving and Christmas are tough times to count calories and consequently I managed to lose nothing, but, on the other hand, I only regained one and a half pounds.

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New Breakthrough in Heart Disease

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A breakthrough in the treatment of heart disease causes stem cell regeneration of heart cells using cells from the patients own heart. Dr. Eduardo Marban, Director of Cedars Sinai Heart Institute, coaxed tissue from a patients own heart, and discovered the stem cells manufactured hundreds of healthy, new heart cells.

Ken Milles, stem cell test patient, says it was like receiving a “magic pill” that has given him a stronger heart beat and he feels great. Dr. Marban says studies show scarring on Milles’ heart tissue cleared by 50% and his heart looks normal again. Damaged muscle was replaced by new, healthy heart tissue.

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Top 10 Myths About Baby Boomers

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Interesting revelations surfaced when NBC’s Matt Lauer met with the AARP’s Mark Kitchen to dispel general myths about today’s 77 million Baby Boomers. Revelations include, baby boomers are staying engaged in life with many boomers involved in up to ten different activities.

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Diving In!

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On different occasions have people mixed you up with someone else? Do they say there’s someone out there who looks just like you? Or someone who talks and acts just like you. When you see the other person, there’s a slight resemblance, but it’s not the you-you know. The other person is not as attractive or is more attractive than you think you are. Their conversation is waaaay more outlandish than you think yours is.

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When Music Was *Music!*

Brenda Holloway’s career with Motown was another example of studio execs placing a talented star on the back burner while they developed the stars predicted to have the most crossover appeal. By the time The Supremes arrived Brenda Holloway was leaving. Listen to this great music by a legend, and if you’re at work, don’t dance to hard in your chair.

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