REPOST: Today I worked out on the treadmill for the third time this week since I decided to resume the exercise I abandoned in November. I also joined a weight loss organization (for the last time) this fall and as of last week, I’ve lost a total of 16 pounds. Thanksgiving and Christmas are tough times to count calories and consequently I managed to lose nothing, but, on the other hand, I only regained one and a half pounds.
I’ve decided not to saddle myself with the formality of a New Year’s Resolution. They put too much pressure on me and the first time I slip up, I want to call the whole thing off. Instead, I decided to just keep on plugging away, doing the best I can, and going to my organization’s weekly weigh-ins.
Currently I’m succeeding because my body is tired of the junk I’ve been feeding it and it needs a rest from soul food. I’m not cleansing my system, but I am purifying it and for me purifying means nothing fried, white, sugared, sauced, or dipped in butter. Breads, pop, potato chips, and Miracle Whip are things of the past. Wonder of wonders, I’m eating pears, grapes, strawberries, baked chicken and vegetables (no greens). I’m having fun and later I’ll share with you what new food things I’ve discovered.
But guess what? I’m not hungry. Still, the weight hasn’t been coming off like it had in the beginning. This weekend, I sat down and reflected. What had I done in the beginning that I wasn’t doing now? EXERCISE! While my program doesn’t dictate exercise, still….
The treadmill was so dusty I had to wipe it off. I re-read the manual because I didn’t even remember how to turn it on. I thought back to the vow I made on the day I purchased it. Unfortunately, it had sat for more than four years before Tuesday, used occasionally by my youngest daughter who has phantom pounds to lose.
So, as I stated in the beginning, I have been on the treadmill for three days. Today, I had to sit in a tub of Epsom Salts, because I overdid it. I keep envisioning me in a navy blue suit that hangs in the back of my closet. My ultimate goal is to loose a total of 60 pounds by March. I am COMMITTED!
I will keep you posted, and if I don’t reach my goal. I’ll let you know that too. However, I am determined that I’m not going out in an oversized casket that 10 pallbearers have to lift and carry down the stairs.
What’s your goal in 2013? Do you have one? You ought to!
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