The Sing Off, a popular accapella show, premiered three years ago on NBC and features Nick Lahey as host. Musicians in their own right, Sara Bareilles, Ben Folds, and Shawn Stockman serve as judges. Last season the worthy winners were a group of extremely talented young men who formed the singing group, Committed.
This third season the producers have proven to be just as adept at finding, honing, and presenting authentic talent. Last week the competition boiled down to three very talented groups, Urban Method, The Dartmouth Aires, and my favorite, Pentatonix. All of the groups exhibit hard work and God given talent. They’re also very lucky since they have to depend on a fickle audience for votes (I haven’t been happy with audience voting since the American Idol audience sent Jennifer Hudson home).
However, Pentatonix won my heart during the Rhythm and Blues competition, Nov. 14.
This multitalented 5 member group from Arlington, Texas had the nerve to sing Marvin Gaye. I never… I …never would have thought a white boy could ever, ever do Marvin justice. Well shut my mouth! Group members include Mitch Grassi, Scott Hoying, Avi Kaplan, Kirstin Maldonado and Kevin Olusola.
I’m not saying he’s Marvin Gaye resurrected, but even Marvin would take a second listen. Let me know what you think.
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