Running now through June 6 at Chicago’s Goodman Theatre, the play The Good Negro tells the underlying stories at the heart of the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement. Several life-changing decisions were being made, simultaneously, all over the South, leading African-Americans to the same conclusions- they had to make a stand. A stand not as human beings who deserved fairness and equality for that reason alone, but as people who deserved it for the fact that they were good people. Therein lies the decision for the name of the play.
Set in the turbulent ’60’s, The Good Negro, according to playwright, Tracey Scott Wilson, is based loosely on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rev. Ralph Abernathy, leaders of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Tracey Scott Wilson explores the humanness of these men as they struggle to deal with their personal and intimate lives while leading a nation through political upheaval.
To find out more you may go to GoodmanTheatre.org or call (312) 443-3800 for ticket information.
Go behind the scenes with playwright Tracey Scott Wilson, director Chuck Smith, and members of the cast as they discuss the artistic process behind The Good Negro.
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